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Mission Coordinator for Membership, Nurture, & Outreach

Melinda Kohrt

Minnesota Conference United Methodist Women

Guide Lines for Newsletter Labels and Lists


Conference Database Overview


The Minnesota Conference UMW uses the database for :

            - Sending directory and packets, which includes the census information

            - Officer updates

            - Fresh Connection Newsletter

            - District Newsletters

            - Email lists for newsletters

            - Special mailings to local officers, such as presidents or treasurers


The database is divided into 5 sections, by Districts, a section for conference officers, one for North Central Jurisdiction officers, and another for National UMW staff.


Codes in the Data Base


The database for labels and lists is arranged and coded by

(1) District

(2) Churches within a district, and

(3) Office a person holds within a local UMW unit. 

A church with no UMW officers, has a designated contact person who gets a code number. Others who do not hold an office in a local unit, are given a code number for receiving newsletters only. 


Church code numbers– these are numbers assigned to MN churches by the original file manager.  They are arbitrary, and were established when there were more districts in the state.  The church names to go with the matching church numbers are sometimes alphabetical, but not always…don’t assume they are.  With a lot of First UMC’s in each district, the church number makes it easy to tell the churches apart. 


Code numbers for officers or position in UMW, plus codes for contact people and for those who only want newsletters, are listed on the label code sheet.  Attached on last page.


Ordering Labels for Newsletters


The Fresh Connection and District newsletters are usually sent to the following:

- All District officers

- All Local unit officers in each district

- All people in the local units in each district that request the newsletter

- Pastors and Superintendents in each district

- All conference officers and bishop

- NCJ officers and National Director living in Minnesota.

- The list of miscellaneous people (Fresh Connection)


Note that because Conference and District officers are often also listed with local churches, there may be duplicates on any set of labels you receive.  Local units may have many officers, only one, or just a contact person in the unit or at the church.


How to Order Labels—Codes to use


This will include the local pastors, contact person in a local UMW if there are no officers, and it will include those who just want the newsletters.  The UMW in local churches may have many officers, just one or two, or only a contact person.  Ordering code numbers 1 – 25 simplifies things.  No church has all 25 offices, so you will only get labels for the offices that exist in each local unit.


To get other Miscellaneous people  - order all the 1000’s.   These are people who only want the Fresh Connection and are not in any particular district, or even in Minnesota.


Emailed Newsletters


Fresh Connection -  Many people wish to receive an emailed copy of the Fresh Connection.  The Conference Communications Coordinator would request a list of the email addresses for the groups she wants to email to, such as Conf. Officers, Dist. Officers, Local Officers.  This is in addition to requesting labels.


District Newsletters – Not all districts have their newsletters on line, so you will be sent a set of labels for everyone on your list.  It is difficult to email a mass of newsletters without a mailing service.    There are a handful of people without home addresses, so they are coded #45 -  EO (Email Only)


The North Central Jurisdiction Officers– We only have email addresses for this group.  If needed, request everyone in group #8000.


Adding Names to the List


Because the all-conference mailing list is used for more than sending newsletter, other information is needed to add a name to the list.  Send this information with your request to:

  • New person’s name, address, city, zip, and phone number
  • District
  • Church Name (and city if it’s a First UMC)
  • Office or position held (and code number if you have it)
  • A local church contact person is code #23
  • A local church person wanting only the newsletter is code #25
  • Email address is helpful, and needed for emailed copies of Fresh Connection
  • Request for paper (P) or email copy (E) of Fresh Connection




Deleting Names

To delete a name from the mailing list, you will need the person’s name, address, church name, and district.  This extra information lets the data person know they have the correct person.  It is helpful to know the reason for deleting a name (such as death, moved, doesn’t want, etc.)  Send request to:


To change address, or email

Send both old and new address along with person’s name, district and church

Send to:


Officer Code Numbers


Office Number & Office Names

1 President

2 Vice President

3 Secretary

4 Treasurer

5 Chair, Comm. On Nom.

6 Spiritual Growth

7 Social Action

8 Education & Interpretation

9 Member Nurture Outreach

10 Resource Manager

11 Communication Coord.

12 News Editor

13 Nom. Comm. Member

14 Historian

15 Church Women Unit. Rep

16 Emma Norton Rep

17 Methodist Hospital Rep

18 Walker Health Center Rep

19 Watkins Home Rep

20 Lakeview Rep

21 Sunshine

22 Pastor

23 Contact Person

24 Local Church Activities

25 Fresh Connection

26 Mission U Dean

27 Mission U Ass't Dean

28 Mission U Registrar

29 Mission U Ass't Registrar

30 District Superintendent

31 Bishop

32 Council Director

33 Charter Racial Justice

34 NCJ Core Plan.Group



35 UMW Nat'l Staff/Dir.

36 Editors, Response

37 Editors, New World


38 Editor, Interpreter

39 Former Officer

40 Mission Today Unit Coord.

41 UMW Nat'l Div. Reg  Off

42 UMW Nat'l Div. Staff

43 Deputy General Secretary

44 UMW Nat'l Division Dir.

45 Fresh Connect. Email Only

49 Technology Coord.

50 Temp Holding

51 Mission U Business Mgr.

52 Cosrow

53 Directory Proj Leader


Alphabetically by Office Name, and number

31 Bishop

5 Chair, Com. On Nom.

33 Charter Racial Justice

15 Church Women Unit. Rep

11 Communication Coord.

23 Contact Person

52 Cosrow

32 Council Director

43 Deputy General Sec.

53 Directory Proj Leader

30 District Superintendent

38 Editor, Interpreter

37 Editors, New World Outlook

36 Editors, Response



8 Education & Interpretation

16 Emma Norton Rep

39 Former Officer

25 Fresh Connection

45 Fresh Connect. Email Only

14 Historian

20 Lakeview Rep

24 Local Church Activities

9 Member Nurture  Outreach

17 Methodist Hospital Rep

40 Mission Today Unit Coord.

27 Mission U Ass't Dean

29 Mission U Ass't Registr.

51 Mission U Business Mgr

26 Mission U Dean

28 Mission U Registrar

34 NNC Core Planning Group

12 News Editor

13 Nom. Comm. Member

22 Pastor

1 President

10 Resource Manager

3 Secretary

7 Social Action

6 Spiritual Growth

21 Sunshine

49 Technology Coord.

50 Temp Holding

4 Treasurer

44 UMW Nat'l Division Dir.

41 UMW Nat'l Div Reg Off

42 UMW Nat'l Div. Staff

35 UMW Nat'l Staff/ Dir.

2 Vice President

18 Walker Health Ctr Rep

19 Watkins Home Rep