World Federation

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The "Tree of Life" newsletter is now produced in electronic form and found on the web site:


The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women is a sisterhood of officially recognized groups of Methodist women organized on a national basis and affirming its purpose, "To Know Christ and To Make Him Known." Within the Area are Units of the United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Methodist Episcopal, and the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas. 


World Federation Assembly in Houston,TX Aug 29-Sep 3,2016 was attended by Mary Gates, Sandy Meyer, and Wilma Roberts.


Region 4 Midwest USA includes Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Indiana. 

The meeting was held in Indianapolis, Indiana August 8-10 and was attended by Minnesota Conference MNO Sandy Meyer. "Bambelela-Never Give Up – Christ Is Our Hope" was the theme. The meeting included collaboration, worship, Bible study, and fellowship with old and new friends. Everyone participated in workshops involving two of the Millennium Development Goals 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger   2. Promote gender equality and empower women.  Rosa Bernard, Member Indiana Conference United Methodist Women Committee on Nominations and UMW Human Trafficking Team Member, was selected Chairperson of the Region 4 Planning Team. Other members of the Planning Team include: Dr. Elnora Ham, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church; Elaine B. Johnson, African Methodist Episcopal Church, and Dr. Sandra Gadson, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.  

North America Area Meeting in 2012
The geographical Area designated as North America Area includes the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean territories
Judith Siaba, United Methodist Women Director, is North America Area President.      

The meeting was held in Northbrooke, IL November 1-4 and was attended by 3 MN Conference United Methodist Women - Sandy Meyer, Jan Dehmlow, and Julie Adams.

World Federation Assembly in 2011

Every five years, the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women holds an Assembly. This is a world-wide gathering of United Methodist Women, Methodist Women around the world and representatives of other denominations that trace their root to John Wesley.

Previous Assemblies have been held in Brazil, Great Britain, Korea and next in Johannesberg, South Africa, August 10-16, 2011. This twelfth World Assembly will convene at the Indaba Hotel and Conference Center with the theme of "Bambalela (Never Give Up), Christ is our Hope."

Mary Gates attended one World Federation Assembly as a Women's Division Director, the others she has attended at her own expense. Bible study, the fellowship of the other participants, visits to mission sites and meeting with the local people are high lights of Assemblies.